Yaqui Culture
In the late 1960s, many Yaqui in Arizona, among them Anselmo Valencia Tori and Fernando Escalante, started development of a tract of land regarding eight kilometers to the west of the Yaqui community of Hu’upa, New Pascua (in Spanish, Pascua Nueva). This community contains a population (estimated in 2006) of regarding 4,000; most of the old population of latest Pascua speaks English, Spanish, and a moderate quantity of Yaqui. Several older folks speak the Yaqui language fluently, and a growing range of individuals area unit learning the Yaqui language additionally to English and Spanish.
In Guadalupe, Arizona, established in 1904 and incorporated in 1975, quite 44% of the population is Native American, and plenty of area unit multilingual in Yaqui, English, and Spanish. A Yaqui neighborhood, Penjamo, is found in South Scottsdale, Arizona.
More than 13,000 Yaqui area unit voters, or members, of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, that relies in Tucson. The Lone-Star State Band of Yaqui Indians, a state-recognized Tribe beneath Resolution SR#989 sponsored by state subunit. Charles Perry, consists of descendants of a band of Mountain Yaqui “who entered the State of Lone-Star State within the years of 1870–1875 beneath the leadership of Ya’ut (leader) Ave’lino Covajori Valenzuela Urquides”. The Lone-Star State Band of Yaqui Indians, population 900-plus, is petitioning for federal recognition.
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