Non-profits need funds to operate properly. Over the last decade, we have worked with the minimum means.
Please feel free to generously support us in one or more ways:
- Make a Monetary Donation
- Ask us what you could donate
- Volunteer your professional services

Giving Options
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
When you make the donation, please tell us where you would like it us to use it.
Volunteer your professional services
Non-profits need staff, accountants, marketers, etc. We could always make noble use of your services.
How to Give
Via PayPal is our favorite
Paypal makes tools easy to use for us. We could have access to the funds immediately. This is one of our favorite choices. It has a low rate for non-profits.
Ask us what you can buy for us
You will be surprised of what tyou can do for us. Things like paying for website hosting, to office equipment, etc.
With Cash
Call us to make an appointment.
By Check
Flying Eagle Yaqui Nation
31780 Monte Vista Way, Thousand Palm, CA 92276
Call us at 760-343-8207 and we will provide you our EIN
Give Online
PayPal is very convenient for us.
The Yaqui Nation of Southern California are proud partners with the Department of Homeland Security.